help with stress

stress can cause physical and emotional problems

Physical problems caused by stress:

  1. Shaking, trembling, spasms

  2. Muscle Tension Neck, Back and Legs

  3. Headache--tension/migraine

  4. Cold extremities (hands and feet), poor circulation—coldness

  5. Digestion--nausea, acid, ulcers, gas, gurgling, cramps, pains

  6. Eating--compulsive, tasteless, loss of appetite

  7. Elimination--diarrhea, constipation

  8. Sleep problems--insomnia, early awakening, fitful, nightmares, excessive sleep

  9. Pain--backache, pain of shoulders and arms

  10. Teeth grinding/jaw aching

  11. Excessive sweating--palms, body

  12. Heart problems--palpitations, rapid, variable heartbeat, chest pain

  13. Breathing--difficulty catching breath, deep sighs, chest pain

  14. High blood pressure

  15. Skin eruptions--rash, hives, itching, excema patches

  16. Sexual difficulties--impotence, low libido (desire), non-orgasmic

  17. Absence of menstrual period


Psychological Problems caused by stress:

  1. Depression, pessimism, distress and melancholic feelings, lack of caring

  2. Irritability, hyperactivity, pacing, impatience, restlessness

  3. Anger, table-pounding

  4. Nervous mannerisms, tics, facial, finger tapping, drumming

  5. Speech difficulties--stuttering, stammering, halting

  6. Tiredness--boredom, low energy state, inefficiency, fatigue

  7. Lack of concentration, loss of memory, confusion, disorganization

  8. Passivity, lack of assertiveness

  9. Difficulty making decisions, immobility

  10. Being late, being too early (being on time)

  11. Self-consciousness, constant awareness of others' responses or reactions

  12. Rigidity, inability to change or be flexible.

  13. Feeling overwhelmed, not in control.

  14. Unproductiveness, impaired performance, reduced problem solving ability